Friday, July 19, 2013

Boy Butter penetrates Navy slang as Torpedo lubricant

I just learned from the blog The Mellow Jihhadi that the name of my own creation, Boy Butter, has penetrated the military lexicon as slang. Check out his blog post and definition below.

 The Mellow Jihadi, July 15th, 2013 Blog Post:
A retired naval officer in my cubicle has prohibited the use of the word Boy Butter. I am not sure entirely who starting saying it, but it became something to chortle at. (Forgive us, we are Sailors. We gurgle at bright shiny things.) Lo and behold, Boy Butter has some naval connotations:

Boy Butter – A light tan grease used by weapons types on torpedoes.

Hmm. I wonder if he minds if we go back to using it? (Using it = saying it.)

Comments Page:
  1. I was told to go get some Boy Butter by a 1st TM who hated me. I scoffed because I had also been told to get some monkey shit by a BM. I always seem to get into trouble telling God Blessed 1st Classes to shove it. How did I know they were serious and both were real stuff?
  2. Hmmmm….. Often when one has such a strong repulsion to a thing, it might be found that they have had a traumatic experience with “said thing” (in this case, boy butter). Have you been able to get the back story from him?
  3. If memory serves, it’s the Air Farce fellow that is revolted by the boy butter. Him not being as salty as You are Navyone.
    I’m pretty I generously offerring my limited supply to anyone in need.
      • Ah, the Air Force fellow is a little touchy about the use of boy butter. RGR, all the reason to talk about it!
  4. The first page of hits on Yahoo! are quick reads of personal health products available at drug stores, nothing else. This also gives a new implication to the word “torpedo.” It also hints at the use of “boy” in this context.
    I’m with my fellow former Air Force guy. This certainly has potential to be offensive, due to double entendre comments.

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