Last summer we conducted a contest search for the new face of Boy Butter and after six months the run away victor was NYC's hot gay gogo guru, Samuel Lemar. This adonis is half-black, half-white and 100% hot and gyrated his way into all of our hearts and though most circuit parties as well, literally blowing away the competition. He quickly won a contract with Boy Butter and shooting for the new commercial commenced, produced by visionary videographer Daniel Robinson.
Even though most of the audience that watches Rupaul's Drag Race is straight, it is in fact the most popular and influential gay TV show ever created. This show has helped spread gay culture and Boy Butter to more homes than we could ever imagine and as part of Rupaul's mission we want to help fight the friction in our lives while disseminating a little gay culture as well, even during the station breaks. This year Comcast approved our ad within a few hours, so we like to think that we are helping make TV gay again!