by Eyal Feldman

I had the honor and pleasure of marching with the large Israeli contingent of the NYC Gay Pride Parade this past weekend and it was great. Being both Israeli and gay are two of my most important identities and are major sources of happiness, pride and strength, as it is for many people like myself around the world. A few days before the parade was to take place it was discovered that the anti-Israel hate group QAIA (Queers Against Israeli Apartheid) was to be marching in the NYC Pride parade as well. This group openly discounts and discredits Israel's sovereignty and security with its cynical and malicious use of Israel's liberal culture as a weapon against it in a perverse double standard that it does not ever ask any Palestinian or Arab nationality to meet. To me this is akin to allowing gay members of a KKK group to march in a pride parade because they happen to be gay, and I doubt that would be even allowed. So as upsetting as it was to have this group march it was even more shocking and sad to find who was marching with them, Andy Humm, one of the two hosts of an NYC public access show on cable TV that covers important gay news topics and issues called Gay USA.

As the group was marching by I called Andy Humm over to me standing in the sidelines to ask him what on Earth he was doing marching with this hate group. He answered uncomfortably that he were merely "meeting friends for a walk." As if strolling in Central Park meeting some buddies, and not carrying a sign that read “I support Palestinian Queers” marching with this controversial anti-israel hate group. By the way Israel grants asylum to LGBT Palestinians to save their lives from their own violently anti-gay culture, one more reason why I march for Israel. He initially hesitated to align himself with this group so as to absolve himself of any responsibility of doing so and went on to say that he supports both sides of this conflict, but in actuality he showed me and the whole world that he stands firmly in opposition with Israel, her proud people both gay and straight and aligned himself with certain dark forces who will never ever be satisfied or pleased by anything Israel does for LGBT rights.
Why did Andy Humm not march with a Palestinian or Arab gay group? Probably because no such group exists and if they did they would be killed immediately. Of all the deserving LGBT issues in the world to support and march for why not advocate for hanged LGBT Iranians, Egyptians, Russians, Syrians or any other myriad of needy gay groups around the world? I sincerely believe that one must not have to destroy or diminish Israel in order to build Palestine, but that is exactly what QAIA advocates, an overt pernicious double standard for the Jewish state only while asking absolutely nothing of the people they purport to stand for.
I implored him to step away from this group, stop marching with them in the future and bring balance to his show, Gay USA, which uses highly inflammatory and inaccurate terms like “Apartheid” “Occupation” and “Pinkwashing” when discussing Israel without anyone to defend Israel’s side. Unfortunately Andy Humm and Gay USA continues to be totally uninterested in having me on or anyone else on to represent Israel’s point of view. I am even willing to have an open debate just to have both sides of this issue out there, but these radical leftist practices are killing any impartiality that he pretends or thinks he has while alienating many of us in the Jewish and Israeli communities who are an integral and leading part of LGBT society around the world and especially here in New York City.