Eyal Feldman, founder of Boy Butter Lubricants and a SAGE Friendly Visitor, volunteer and supporter will be swimming past the Hoover Dam in Lake Mead to raise money for SAGE on September 18, 2011. Watch Eyal train for his marathon swim and visit Hoover Dam This is a Long Swim for more information.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
This just may be the multi-armed deity of personal lubricants
New mythological multi-armed deity
who apparently loves all the Boy Butter products.
To purchase Boy Butter products
at the official Boy Butter store,
Enter coupon code "BUTTER" for 10% off any order
Friday, August 26, 2011

By Adam Chandler
There’s a small Jewish cemetery tucked away on an unlikely block in Manhattan, behind some condominiums on West 21st Street. It’s just a few minutes from Tablet Magazine’s new office on Tin Pan Alley, and I recently stumbled upon it. As it turns out, it has two siblings further downtown, and, taken together, the trio offer a window into the history of both the city and its Jewish community.
The three historic Manhattan cemeteries belong to Congregation Shearith Israel, a Spanish and Portuguese synagogue in Manhattan and the oldest Jewish congregation in North America, established in 1654. They are perhaps the most durable legacy of New York City’s long-ago Jewish past. The Shearith Israel congregation was founded by 23 Jewish refugees, descendents of Spanish Jews, exiled during the Inquisition, who fled from Recife, Brazil, after it was taken from the Dutch by the Portuguese. They were fleeing anti-Semitism but were greeted coldly by Peter Stuyvesant, the Dutch director-general of the colony of New Netherland. From 1654 until 1825, Shearith Israel was the only Jewish congregation in New York City. In its long history, membership of the congregation has included Supreme Court Justice Benjamin Cardozo, three founders of the New York Stock Exchange, and the poet Emma Lazarus, whose famous words from “The New Colossus” are affixed to the Statue of Liberty. Shearith Israel—the name translated is “Remnant of Israel”—owns a Torah that dates to the American Revolution.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Hoover Dam I Love Vegas
This past weekend, my parents, sister and her husband went to Nevada to prepare Lake Mead for my upcoming 7 mile marathon swim next month on September 18th, Hoover Dam this is a Long Swim. We checked out the marina at the lake where we are to rent a 10 person boat for my family who are my safety and support crew. I felt the temperature of the water and it could not have been better for a 3.5 hour swim. A surprising thing was the quantity of fish, particularly large carp, living and begging for food at the marina. From the marina we drove to the spot my swim is named for, the Hoover Dam. The Hoover Dam is a concrecte arch-gravity dam in the Black Canyon of the Colorado River, on the border between Nevada and Arizona built from 1931 to 1935. A perk of visiting this amazing location was spending two nights in Las Vegas a mere 30 miles away. We roamed the Strip ate, gambled, shopped and laughed like madmen at the perfect stand up routine of living legend, Jerry Seinfeld at Caesar's Palace Colosseum. It was a good time.
On the road to Hoover Dam just outside of Boulder City, NV
Boat we are to rent for safety and support crew
Me at the edge of Lake Mead
A thousand large carp fighting for popcorn at the Marina
crossing into Arizona
The Hoover Dam from Arizona side
Video of Hoover Dam and Lake Mead from Arizona side
Looks like the perfect camera shot
Siegfried and Roy's memorial on the Las Vegas strip. I just wanted to pose next to it,
but you guys know how aggressive those white tigers can be.
My sister, Donna Feldman, posing next to the Jerry Seinfeld show poster we are about to enjoy.
Jerry Seinfeld on stage, this is best image I could get without bum rushing the stage for a better one and setting off security.
I found this tall cactus in Barstow, CA on way back from Vegas to LA.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Beck vows to defend Israel against UN, NGO... JPost - Middle East

The “Restoring Courage” rally attracted more than 1,000 American Evangelical Christians and right-wing Israelis to the Southern Wall excavation site outside the Old City. Additional crowds watched the event at Jerusalem’s Safra Square and at more than 1,400 viewing parties in 60 countries around the world, including China and Cuba.
Speaking above the din of Peace Now activists protesting the event, Beck enthralled the crowd with his praise for the people of Israel and his condemnations of critics of the Jewish state.
“In Israel, there is more courage in one small square mile than in all of Europe,” Beck said. “In Israel, there is more courage in one soldier than in the combined cold hearts of all the bureaucrats in the United Nations.
“In Israel you can find people standing against incredible odds against the entire tide of world opinion just because it’s right, just because it’s just and just because it’s good.”
Turning to the UN, Beck said the “so-called leaders of the world” talk about human rights while they abuse the meaning of the concept by condemning democratic Israel while ignoring dictatorships that murder their own people like Libya, Syria, and North Korea.
“The cause of human rights has been taken over by individuals who share little with those who originally led those movements,” he said.
“These organizations have become bullies and grotesque parodies of what they claim to represent. They criticize free nations and they spare the unfree. They are nearly comical in their double standards.
Whatever moral force they had is spent, and so today, we dismiss them.”
Beck said his new global movement, which will be based in Texas, aimed to “take back the phrase ‘human rights,’ and put it back where it belongs.”
Read the whole Jpost article here
Monday, August 22, 2011
My super model sister's new billboard in West Hollywood
My super model sister Donna Feldman's is playing the part of Eve being tempted by a snake on a billboard for an LA based French bakery called Plaisir. The billboard is located over Robertson and Santa Monica Blvd in West Hollywood, CA. It is amazing to see my gorgeous sister tower above one of the busiest intersections in Los Angeles.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Hoover Dam This Is A Long Swim Introductory Video
Learn more about my marathon 7 mile swim for SAGE by clicking here or go to the Hoover Dam This is a Long Swim at sageusa.org
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
A novel about being Jewish and Gay by Wayne Hoffman
In Wayne Hoffman’s new novel, Sweet Like Sugar, a young gay man and an older Orthodox rabbi—who believes the Torah forbids homosexuality—find a way to bridge their differences and become friends
According to the Torah, homosexuality is forbidden. That injunction is what makes Rabbi Zuckerman, a frail old man, recoil when he learns that a new friend, a 20-something named Benji Steiner, is gay. These characters and their relationship anchor a new novel,Sweet Like Sugar, by Wayne Hoffman. It’s a story that takes on identity, personal secrets, and the search for connection. The novel is something of a departure for Hoffman, whose debut, Hard, took a much more explicit look at gay life, describing the personal and political engagement of a group of gay men in the late 1990s in Greenwich Village.
Hoffman is also the deputy editor of Nextbook Press, the book imprint affiliated with Tablet Magazine. He joined Vox Tablet host Sara Ivry to talk about the book, how his two careers—novelist and editor—influence one another, and his own experience finding acceptance as a gay Jew.
Fresca is winning people over this Summer
Boy Butter Fresca and Fresca H20 are winning people
over with their mild cooling and tingly goodness.
BTW, don't forget to use coupon code "FRESCA" for 10% off
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Phoenix Sports Radio Show interviews Boy Butter creator Eyal Feldman
Listen to my fun interview this week by Josh Fourrier of Compete Radio,
a Phoenix, Arizona based Gay Sports Radio Program.
1480 AM Phoenix Saturday at Noon
Advocate Op-ed: Don’t Waste Your Money on Money-Wasters

By Michael Lucas, op-ed contributor
One of the great things about our community is our collective ethic of charitable giving. The generosity we've shown when it comes to AIDS and our civil rights is legendary.
But some of the most well-known gay organizations that are funded by our donations are worthless, self-serving money pits. 60 Minutes made a major splash with its expose onThree Cups of Tea author Greg Mortenson, and his never-built schools in Afghanistan. I imagine there are more than a few "gay leaders" who also run their organizations like "private ATMs" to fund their own decadent social lives.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Hasta La Bye-Bye Fire Island
As this weekend was my last official weekend at our beach house on Fire Island I could not think of a better way to say goodbye. We had our friends, Meg and Charles and their lovely children spend much of Saturday with us. A full on party took place next door and whose disco ball my housemates managed to steal confirming the very madness that set in on the island this weekend. All in all there was plenty of sun, a little rain and a lot of tequila shots, which always make for a raucous good time. This was one of the best summer on Fire Island and I will treasure these memories forever, or at least till next summer.
Abby and Henry, the beautiful and well behaved kids from Brooklyn
Meg is taking Henry over to a table tennis match of some sort.
A 360 degree view from Rob Jackson's, the highest height at the Pines.
The party next door flying the Israeli flag was thrown in honor of one our Israeli neighbors receiving his green card
The party was pretty fun.
Video of a moment during the neighbor's party.
Things did get wild, just ask Todd and his date Spiderman.
Weirder yet, this is either Rob Jackson or Marilyn Monroe's spirit possessing him
I tried to teach Patrick how to flag but he was more interested in turning my flags into an outfit.
I ordered Chinese from Brendan but I don't think he understood.
A funny video of Brian werkin it
The stolen disco ball
Last night's group shot, how nice.
Friday, August 5, 2011
The Beginning of the last weekend at the Boy Butter Beach House
Everything that has a beginning most certainly has an end. And this summer my season at the Boy Butter Beach House will end a bit early this year. Even though my house in the Fire Island Pines has one more week in September I will instead be exhibiting a booth at the Folsom Street Fair in Berlin. So I have to make sure this last weekend is extra perfect. In the early afternoon yesterday I was given a ride to Sayville by my good friend Michael Lucas, the famous gay adult film mogul, and we rode in on the ferry together to the Pines as well. As soon as I got to the house the first thing I did was put up the Boy Butter flag so people would know that the butter boy was in residence for the weekend. I then proceeded to poster the island up with my Boy Buttery propaganda as per usual. Then I waited for Brendan to arrive on the evening boat and we joined Michael Lucas and his partner Richard for a lovely dinner of eels (which he caught himself as I show in the video below) with some lovely mac and cheese at their sunset drenched home on the bay. I sure am gonna miss being out here.
The Boy Butter flag is erected
The flag flies
Propaganda appears on main bulletin board of the island
Michael has caught our dinner, yum
Michael Lucas's house on the bay
Sunset part 1
Sunset part 2
I love the colors the sunset casts
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Listen to my recent interview on San Diego's KOGO Radio, The Steve Yuhas Show

Listen to the show by clicking here
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