Friday, October 29, 2010
Sandra Bernhard and I hanging in Chelsea
My neighborhood, Chelsea in New York City is chock full of celebrities, some of which I personally adore. This morning I was lucky enough to run into the lovely and talented Sandra Bernhard, songstress and comedian, as she was strolling through 22nd street with her beautiful girlfriend. Sandra was so very sweet and we shook hands, exchanged pleasantries and her girlfriend snapped a photo together. I told her who I was (Boy Butter) as I handed her some Boy Butter samples (my interactive business card) and she said, "I see those Boy Butter posters all over 8th Ave, they are hilarious."
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Anti-Bullying Provisions Extended to Gays and Jews
Civil Rights Act now applies by Mark Tracy
read original Tablet posting click here
Secretary of Education Arne Duncan.
With bullying in the news due to the rash of gay suicides and the responding “It Gets Better' project, Secretary of Education Arne Duncan decided to apply part of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that bars discrimination on campuses based on “race, color or national origin” to Jews. Said Rep. Brad Sherman (D-California), who pushed for a bill that would have changed the Act in this respect, “The policy is now clear: Colleges and universities will no longer be permitted to turn a blind eye when Jewish students face severe and persistent anti-Semitic hostility on their campuses. The schools will now be compelled to respond.”
The Anti-Defamation League has also recently prominently adopted bullying as a cause.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
The Boy Butter Bowling League
Well kids, I shall be turning the big 33 next month and I am preparing a super fun bowling birthday party in LA for the occasion. I used to have these types of birthday bowling parties when I was in the 5th or 6th grade but this time it will be much cooler cause now I am a much better bowler. My nephews and I have bowled a couple times this week to put in some practice and we are all showing some improvement, I bowled a turkey today (3 strikes in a row) with a grand total of 146 points, whoo hoo!
Check out our awesome bowling skills in these videos we shot today.
Boy Butter bowling a strike
My nephew Nathaniel's gutter ball.
My nephew Gabriel's gutter ball.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Boy Butter fighting friction in SF's Castro
Here I am at another great Castro area store, Does Your Mother Know, which is fully stocked with my entire Boy Butter Lubricant line, and just a note, they are on the shelf above our friendly competitor, Elbow Grease. I like being on top.
If you are in the Bay Area please swing by:
Does Your Mother Know
4141 18th Street
San Francisco, CA 94114-2407
(415) 864-3160
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Official Boy Butter store's Halloween Sale
Happy Halloween from
enter coupon code: BOO
10% off any order plus free gift*
*free gift is the Classic Re-Useable 5ml screw-top Boy Butter Mini
Boy Butter samples included in every order.
expires Nov 1st
enter coupon code: BOO
10% off any order plus free gift*
*free gift is the Classic Re-Useable 5ml screw-top Boy Butter Mini
Boy Butter samples included in every order.
expires Nov 1st
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Boy Butter hits San Francisco's famous Castro with some Guerilla Marketing
I arrived in San Francisco this weekend for a little R&R and of course a little Boy Butter guerilla marketing. My product is popular in this neck of the woods and you can find the product sold all over SF especially in the famous Castro Street area, arguably one of the gayest places on Earth. When in the Castro neighborhood you can stroll along the area and find Boy Butter lubricants in such shops as Rock Hard, Phantom, Chaps, and even Walgreens, all of them within a 2 block radius. As soon as I arrived I visited stores, shook some hands and postered up the hood. With some of my best Boy Butter posters I snapped some photos of the handiwork of my famed guerilla marketing in key spots of the Castro, check them out here.
Here is a poster across the street from the famous Castro Theatre
Poster overlooking Castro and 18th street, the heart of the Castro.
The classic Boy Butter "Tight Agenda" poster on Castro and Market.
My friend Xavier snapped of me in front of this Castro Street nail salon called Hand Job.
The things they can get away with here : )
Thursday, October 21, 2010
No Holds Barred: The Jewish view of homosexuality
Read original article by Rabbi SHMULEY BOTEACH
I have numerous gay friends whose greatest fear, like so many straight people, is to end up alone. Should we merely throw the book at these people?
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Military Recruiters Told To Accept Gay Applicants
The military is accepting openly gay recruits for the first time in the nation's history, even as it tries in the courts to slow the movement to abolish its "don't ask, don't tell" policy. Some gay activist groups were planning to send people to enlist at recruiting stations to test the Pentagon's Tuesday announcement. Meanwhile, a federal judge in California whose ruling last week brought the 17-year policy the closest yet to being overturned was likely to reject the government's latest effort to halt her order telling the military to stop enforcing the law.
The Justice Department will likely appeal her decision. The Defense Department has said it would comply with U.S. District Judge Virginia Phillips' order and had frozen any discharge cases. But at least one case was reported of a man being turned away from an Army recruiting office in Austin, Texas. Pentagon spokeswoman Cynthia Smith said recruiters had been given top-level guidance to accept applicants who say they are gay. Recruiters also have been told to inform potential recruits that the moratorium on enforcement of the policy could be reversed at any time, if the ruling is appealed or the court grants a stay, she said.
While activists were going to enlist, gay rights groups were continuing to tell service members to avoid revealing that they are gay, fearing they could find themselves in trouble should the law be reinstated. "What people aren't really getting is that the discretion and caution that gay troops are showing now is exactly the same standard of conduct that they will adhere to when the ban is lifted permanently," said Aaron Belkin, executive director of the Palm Center, a think tank on gays and the military at the University of California Santa Barbara.
The uncertain status of the law has caused much confusion within an institution that has historically discriminated against gays. Before the 1993 law, the military banned gays entirely and declared them incompatible with military service. Twenty-nine nations, including Israel, Canada, Germany and Sweden, allow openly gay troops, according to the Log Cabin Republicans, a gay-rights group and plaintiff in the lawsuit before Phillips.
The Pentagon guidance to recruiters comes after Dan Woods, the group's attorney, sent a letter last week warning the Justice Department that Army recruiters who turned away Omar Lopez in Texas may have caused the government to violate Phillips' injunction. Woods wrote that the military could be subject to a citation for contempt. Douglas Smith, spokesman for U.S. Army Recruiting Command based at Fort Knox, Ky., said even before the ruling recruiters did not ask applicants about their sexual orientation. The difference now is that recruiters will process those who say they are gay.
"If they were to self-admit that they are gay and want to enlist, we will process them for enlistment, but will tell them that the legal situation could change," Smith said. He said the enlistment process takes time and recruiters have been told to inform those who are openly gay that they could be declared ineligible if the law is upheld on appeal. "U.S. Army Recruiting Command is going to follow the law, whatever the law is," he said.
The message, however, had not reached some recruiting stations. At one for all branches in Pensacola, Marine Sgt. Timothy Chandler said he had been given no direction. "As far as we are concerned everything is the same, the policy hasn't changed," he said, as others in office nodded. Chandler said no one had come to the small office questioning the policy or asking about being openly gay and serving.
Recruiters at the Navy office next door referred all media questions to the Pentagon. Air Force recruiters said they were not authorized to talk to the media. Army recruiters referred questions to another office in Mobile, Ala. Phillips said at a hearing Monday that she was learning toward denying the Obama administration's request to delay her order. That would send the case to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco. After Phillips' ruling last week, Lopez — discharged from the Navy in 2006 after admitting his gay status to his military doctor — walked into an Army recruiting office in Austin and asked if he could re-enlist.
He said he was up front, even showing the recruiters his Navy discharge papers. But they told him he couldn't re-enlist because they had not gotten word from the Pentagon to allow openly gay recruits. Smith was unable to confirm the account. She said guidance on gay applicants had been issued to recruiting commands on Oct. 15.
On Tuesday, upon hearing of the changes to recruiting, Lopez said, "Oh my God! I've been waiting for this for four years." Lopez said he'll try again Friday and will go to a Navy recruiting office in Austin to see if he can enroll in ROTC as an officer. He is currently studying hospitality services at Austin Community College. "I'm hoping they'll let me in because I was able to switch over from an enlistment to an officer. I'm really hoping they can accept me," he said.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Listen to my latest gig on the Black and Jew Comedy Hour
Listen to our latest hilarious interview with Mistress Nikki from Jezabels talk about sexual dominance and submission on The Black The Jew and The Gay Comedy Hour, which is not for the weak of heart.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Boy Butter mentioned in Newsbusters Blog: The NY Times Gets Its Grand Theory on Ann Coulter All Wrong
On Sunday, the New York Times put two controversial conservative women on the front of two of their sections, blogger Pamela Geller, and author and commentator Ann Coulter.
Coulter was profiled on the front of the Sunday Styles section under the headline “Not Done Yet.” The thrust of that odd headline became clear in the subhead, which put a cynical spin on Coulter’s recent pronouncements: “Increasingly outflanked on the right by the Tea party, the conservative columnist Ann Coulter is trotting out a new image and seeking support in some unlikely places.”
For a right-wing, evangelical Christian who has made fun of homosexuals and opposes same-sex marriage, Ms. Coulter seemed Wearing a black lace-up cocktail dress and high black heels, she posed for a photograph with the founder of Boy Butter, a maker of sex lubricants
Read the rest of the article:The New York Times Gets Its Grand Theory on Ann Coulter All Wrong
Thursday, October 14, 2010
NEW: The Israel Channel on Youtube
Created in celebration of the State's 60th Independence Day, this clip portrays a vibrant Israel which contains more than meets the eye. Click here to view Israel YouTube Page
Good Political Conversation on The Daily Show with guest Eric Cantor
There are few political conversations on Television that are this interesting, please take a look at this video between Jon Stewart and Eric Cantor.
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Exclusive - Eric Cantor Extended Interview Pt. 1 | |||| | ||||
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
The NY Times Boy Butter and Ann Coulter Juxtaposition
It has been a few weeks since I attended Homocon 2010, an event marking the one-year anniversary of GOProud, a Washington-based advocacy group for gay conservatives. My friends have been scratching their heads about my attendance at this event, especially after Sunday’s New York Times Style section mentioned Boy Butter and Ann Coulter posing for a photo together. This perfect juxtaposition was ostensibly the best way to illustrate Coulter’s participation there and the strange bedfellows that politics make.
The New York Times set the tone for their article by using my company and a product that I am proud of, Boy Butter, as a representation of all that is wacky, gay and liberal standing in stark contrast with Ann Coulter, or all that is right-wing, Christian and conservative.
I was invited to Homocon by one of my closest friends, Steve Yuhas, a proud gay, Jewish, conservative, former Marine radio talk show host from San Diego’s AM 600 KOGO Radio. It was an exciting event to attend, because it was the first political event I have been to since seeing Hillary and Bill at the Abyssinian Baptist church in Harlem during the 2008 campaign. At Homocon, I had the rare opportunity to rub elbows with major gay and straight figures of media, business, and politics; some of whose work I admire and respect, but not always agree with them on their views. That respect should not be construed as tacit approval but in my quest to be more aware I like to expose myself to people that I don’t always agree with.
The star of the night, Ann Coulter, lived up to her image as a brash, bold, opinionated, and strong woman - all things that gay men have long-adored in their iconic women. Homocon even billed Ms. Coulter as the Judy Garland of the gay right-wing, a term she herself has coined in an email exchange. Ann had no problem speaking her politically incorrect mind and her presence was exciting for me not only because she is infamous for rubbing liberal America the wrong way but her political shtick is more conservative comedy and fun-poking than it is terribly serious.
I myself do not subscribe to all of her opinions, but I do like some of her stances on the economy, federal spending, foreign policy and limits on the power of the government. Like most people I meet in this world, I took Ann Coulter’s views with a grain of salt and for all those who are worried, my physical proximity to her that night in no way means that we are always on the same page, politically speaking.
My personal political viewpoints are as complex as most people’s, but if forced to choose a political label, it would be a quasi-Libertarian; socially progressive, yet fiscally conservative without being isolationist internationally. Like many people today my beliefs overlap with the left and right-of-center politics because being a gay man makes me more complicated.
On social level I relate more with social progress and liberalism; however my identity as a businessman also endears me to believe in being strong on fiscal and personal responsibility.
I am a hodgepodge of opinions and beliefs and there are many factors in my life that have led me to choose one path over another. Sometimes I have multiple paths driving me at the same time. I have no difficulty in reversing course, admitting when I’m wrong and changing my mind. I believe in gay marriage, in repealing “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell,” legalizing Marijuana and litany of other things that would stop anyone from painting me as one thing or another. Heck, I even voted for every Democratic presidential candidate from Bill Clinton to Barack Obama, though I do share a bit of buyer’s remorse over the last one. I’m sure many in the country agree.
The idea of a gay conservative movement is not new or unique, but it does exist out of perceived failures or mismanagement of established gay organizations to champion our rights; realize our wishes; or speak with a clear and unified voice. We should welcome gay conservatives as we do gay liberals, because a variety of viewpoints is more preferable to too few of them.
I wanted to thank the NY Times for juxtaposing Boy Butter as a product with the appearance of Ann Coulter at Homocon, because (yes, I love the press) I think it is healthy to see people of different viewpoints debating, sharing ideas, and just being together. I only hope that more of this kind of idea sharing happens because nobody is going to dissuade me from my beliefs any more than I will be able to convince Ann Coulter that gay marriage is a good idea.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Boy Butter mentioned in Gawker's article on How to be a famous right-wing media lady
Photo of Pamela Geller and Ann Coulter
The New York Times this weekend profiles two female conservative commentators at very different points in their careers: crazy Upper East Side islamophobic bloggerPamela Geller, and crazy Ann Coulter. What can aspiring female right-wing blowhards learn from their stories?
According to the Times, Ann Coulter's star has waned as she's been "outflanked" by even wackier Tea Party people. So she's rebranding herself as sort of a campy gay conservative icon. This is a promising strategy, as she'll attract the dual outrage-beams of Republicans who hate gays and Liberals who hate gay Republicans.
Then there's Pamela Geller, the Manhattan socialite behind the right-wing blog Atlas Shrugs, and the leading force behind the "Ground Zero Mosque" outrage. She's a relative new-comer, but definitely appears poised to be the crazier Ann Coulter today's right-wingers demand.
Here's what aspiring female conservative firebrands learn from these two successful hate-mongers:
Have the Look
Let's face it: as an aspiring female right-wing media powerhouse, you're not going to make it on your race-baiting skills alone. Both Coulter and Geller have a look that drives conservative dudes wild. Geller famously posted a video of herself frolicking in a bikini while spouting a pro-Israel screed. And Coulter showed up at last month's Homocon party for gay republicans looking "awfully... game," according to the Times
"Wearing a black lace-up cocktail dress and high black heels, she posed for a photograph with the founder of Boy Butter, a maker of sex lubricants." read the rest of the Gawker Article, click here.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
NY TIMES: Ann Coulter posed for a photo with founder of Boy Butter
Published: October 8, 2010
“I WROTE a new speech for the gays and I don’t have it memorized yet!” said Ann Coulter, as she ducked into a hallway in the Union Square apartment of the venture capitalist Peter Thiel on a recent Saturday night, flicking a half-empty packet of Habitrol gum between her fingers. She was there to speak at Homocon 2010, a party for the one-year anniversary of GOProud, the Washington-based advocacy group for gay conservatives.
Robert Wright for The New York Times
Ann Coulter with Boy Butter founder, Eyal Feldman.
For a right-wing, evangelical Christian who has made fun of homosexuals and opposes same-sex marriage, Ms. Coulter seemed awfully ... game. Wearing a black lace-up cocktail dress and high black heels, she posed for a photograph with the founder of Boy Butter, a maker of sex lubricants. Read the rest of the original article in the NY Times
Friday, October 8, 2010
Listen to my Oct 6th 2010 gig on the Black and Jew Comedy Hour
Listen to me co-hosting on October 6th 2010 on
The Black and the Jew Comedy Hour
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Brand New Boy Butter Window Displays at Chelsea Area Store in NYC
Check out our new Boy Butter window displays
on 8th Ave between 19th and 18th Streets
next door to the popular Gym Bar:
The Blue DVD
165 8th Ave
NY NY 10011
Here is a photo of our current window displays
Check out our expansive Boy Butter section,
one of the best selling lubricants at the store.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Educational Video about Israel and it's Security Needs for a Viable Peace
Israel, in any future agreement with the Palestinians, has a critical need for defensible borders. This video outlines the threats to Israel from terrorist rockets, ballistic missiles, and conventional ground and air threats from the east.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
My hometown paper writes about my charity swim for seniors
My hometown paper in Calabasas California, The Acorn, writes about my charity swim for seniors this past July. Read original article form The Acorn's online edition
Galilean swim benefits stateside seniors
FINANCIAL GIFT— Eyal Feldman of Hidden Hills, right, presents a check for $1,700 to Shelly Markman at the Jewish Home for the Aging in Reseda. Feldman raised the funds by swimming six miles across the Sea of Galilee, Israel’s largest freshwater lake. The swim took more than three hours. Feldman presented the gift in memory of Edward I. Shapiro, a former resident of the home. Photo courtesy of Aaron SaltzmanGalilean swim benefits stateside seniors
VIDEO OF MY SWIM: Click here to view 5 min video of marathon swim
CNN's Rick Sanchez fired after comments on Jews
CNN's Rick Sanchez fired after comments on Jews
Jon Stewart, who is Jewish; questions whether Jews are minority.
NEW YORK — CNN fired news anchor Rick Sanchez on Friday, a day after he questioned whether Jews should be considered a minority and called the host of Comedy Central's "The Daily Show," Jon Stewart, a bigot in a radio show interview.
Speaking at a satellite radio interview with Pete Dominick, Sanchez, host of the two-hour "Rick's List" on CNN's afternoon lineup, said that Stewart is bigoted toward "everybody else that's not like him." He said Stewart "can't relate to what I grew up with," saying his family had been poor and he had seen prejudice directed at his father. Sanchez dismissed it when Dominick points out that Stewart, who is Jewish, is also a minority.
"I'm telling you that everyone who runs CNN is a lot like Stewart and a lot of people who run all the other networks are a lot like Stewart, and to imply that somehow they, the people in this country who are Jewish, are an oppressed minority?" Sanchez said, adding a sarcastic "yeah."
"I can't see someone not getting a job these days because they're Jewish," he said.
Later in the interview Sanchez, indicated that "bigot" may be too strong a word to describe Stewart, saying he was "prejudicial" instead.
"He's not just a comedian...He can make and break careers," Sanchez said about Stewart. "He's upset that someone of my ilk is almost at his level."
During the interview with Dominick, Sanchez told about a CNN executive whom he would not name telling him that he saw Sanchez not as an anchor but a reporter like ABC's John Quinones. He implied that this was a subtle form of bias.
Details of the interview were posted on the Mediaite website Friday and quickly became a topic of conversation in the media world.
CNN issued a statement late Friday that said Sanchez "is no longer with the company." In it, the network also thanked Sanchez "for his years of service" and wished him well.
Sanchez did not immediately return an e-mail or call to his mobile phone seeking comment, though it was unclear whether the CNN-issued phone or e-mail address were still active.
Stewart had no comment on Sanchez's statements, a Comedy Central spokesman said.Stewart had frequently poked fun at Sanchez on the "The Daily Show," most recently for saying on the air that his show had received a tweet from House Republican leader John Boehner. Stewart called it a case of "send a twit a tweet."
Sanchez was born in Cuba and had worked at CNN since 2004. He did a prime-time version of that show in recent months, but that ended this week because the time slot is being filled by a new show featuring former New York GovernorEliot Spitzer and columnist Kathleen Parker.
Sanchez spent much of his career as a reporter and anchor in Miami, where he won an Emmy Award in 1983 for a story on why he left Cuba. He has also worked at MSNBC and CNBC.
Speaking at a satellite radio interview with Pete Dominick, Sanchez, host of the two-hour "Rick's List" on CNN's afternoon lineup, said that Stewart is bigoted toward "everybody else that's not like him." He said Stewart "can't relate to what I grew up with," saying his family had been poor and he had seen prejudice directed at his father. Sanchez dismissed it when Dominick points out that Stewart, who is Jewish, is also a minority.
"I'm telling you that everyone who runs CNN is a lot like Stewart and a lot of people who run all the other networks are a lot like Stewart, and to imply that somehow they, the people in this country who are Jewish, are an oppressed minority?" Sanchez said, adding a sarcastic "yeah."
"I can't see someone not getting a job these days because they're Jewish," he said.
Later in the interview Sanchez, indicated that "bigot" may be too strong a word to describe Stewart, saying he was "prejudicial" instead.
"He's not just a comedian...He can make and break careers," Sanchez said about Stewart. "He's upset that someone of my ilk is almost at his level."
During the interview with Dominick, Sanchez told about a CNN executive whom he would not name telling him that he saw Sanchez not as an anchor but a reporter like ABC's John Quinones. He implied that this was a subtle form of bias.
Details of the interview were posted on the Mediaite website Friday and quickly became a topic of conversation in the media world.
CNN issued a statement late Friday that said Sanchez "is no longer with the company." In it, the network also thanked Sanchez "for his years of service" and wished him well.
Sanchez did not immediately return an e-mail or call to his mobile phone seeking comment, though it was unclear whether the CNN-issued phone or e-mail address were still active.
Stewart had no comment on Sanchez's statements, a Comedy Central spokesman said.Stewart had frequently poked fun at Sanchez on the "The Daily Show," most recently for saying on the air that his show had received a tweet from House Republican leader John Boehner. Stewart called it a case of "send a twit a tweet."
Sanchez was born in Cuba and had worked at CNN since 2004. He did a prime-time version of that show in recent months, but that ended this week because the time slot is being filled by a new show featuring former New York GovernorEliot Spitzer and columnist Kathleen Parker.
Sanchez spent much of his career as a reporter and anchor in Miami, where he won an Emmy Award in 1983 for a story on why he left Cuba. He has also worked at MSNBC and CNBC.
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