Friday, April 30, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Listen to my interview on Sex is Fun Podacst!
Sex is fun podcast, one of the most popular sex educational podcasts in the country. Listen to the informative and fun interview with Eyal Feldman, the inventor of Boy Butter personal lubricant.
Listen to the show..
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Sunday, April 25, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
Michael Lucas: Don't Throw Israel Under the Bus | Commentary |
Lucas: Don't Throw Israel Under the Bus | Commentary |
Michael Lucas says President Barack Obama should think twice before his administration makes a move to alienate Israel, a friend to the United States and a friend to LGBTs.
By Michael Lucas
Since President Obama arrived at the White House, I witness increasing tension between the United States and Israel — tension that is heading toward confrontation. I watch how one person is destroying an alliance that has been crafted over many years. This worries me on many levels: as a Jew, of course, but also as a gay man, as a Westerner, and as a rational man who loves freedom. Because, you see, I don’t have just one identity. I have many identities and I am proud of all of them. And while the state of Israel respects all my identities, the Islamic world would like to murder me for any single one of them.
During a news conference at the end of the summit about nuclear disarmament, President Obama echoed Gen. David Petraeus, who insinuated in recent congressional hearings that U.S. soldiers are hated by Muslims because of American support for Israel. That recalls to me the story that has surfaced off and on for thousands of years — that the Jews are the source of all the problems in the world.
Of course, today, we cannot say it in exactly those terms. That sounds way too 20th century. But what we can do, apparently, is substitute for the word “Jew” the word “Israel,” a country that is smaller than Lake Michigan and where Holocaust survivors built their new homes from the sand.
Just look at this statement without prejudice: American soldiers are hated in the Muslim world because of the U.S.-Israeli alliance. It is preposterous.
The Muslim world hated non-Muslims (“infidels”) for centuries, from long before Israel existed and the United States was allied with it. And today, they surely hate those who come from abroad to their country to bring them “democracy,” which they didn’t ask for. In fact, nobody likes American soldiers when they make their presence felt — neither Germans nor Italians nor Japanese, who are trying their best to push the U.S. base in Okinawa, with its rowdy inhabitants, off to Guam. And none of this has the slightest bit to do with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict or the U.S.-Israeli alliance.
There is a word that has existed for a long time: “anti-Americanism.” In fact, Israel is one of the very few countries in the world that’s a real friend to the United States.
Certainly, Israel is not perfect. Certainly, Israel makes mistakes. I, for one, don’t support the settler movement either. But Israel is not a vassal of the United States. It must be allowed to make its own decisions.
The world should understand that the conflict between Israel and Palestine is not a conflict between two political entities. It’s a conflict between two worlds — one that is stuck in the Middle Ages and one that belongs to the 21st century. It’s a conflict between civilization and barbarism; between freedom and oppression; between democracy and dictatorship; between human rights and violations of human rights; between those who treat gay people with respect and those who murder them, jail them, torture them, and dismember them; between those who treat women like equals and those who treat women like camels. Our articulate president should not be confused about this.
So America is currently on the path to losing one of its best friends. But President Obama and his administration should be under no illusions: The world is not going to love American soldiers more if the U.S. breaks up with Israel.
Michael Lucas says President Barack Obama should think twice before his administration makes a move to alienate Israel, a friend to the United States and a friend to LGBTs.
By Michael Lucas
Since President Obama arrived at the White House, I witness increasing tension between the United States and Israel — tension that is heading toward confrontation. I watch how one person is destroying an alliance that has been crafted over many years. This worries me on many levels: as a Jew, of course, but also as a gay man, as a Westerner, and as a rational man who loves freedom. Because, you see, I don’t have just one identity. I have many identities and I am proud of all of them. And while the state of Israel respects all my identities, the Islamic world would like to murder me for any single one of them.
During a news conference at the end of the summit about nuclear disarmament, President Obama echoed Gen. David Petraeus, who insinuated in recent congressional hearings that U.S. soldiers are hated by Muslims because of American support for Israel. That recalls to me the story that has surfaced off and on for thousands of years — that the Jews are the source of all the problems in the world.
Of course, today, we cannot say it in exactly those terms. That sounds way too 20th century. But what we can do, apparently, is substitute for the word “Jew” the word “Israel,” a country that is smaller than Lake Michigan and where Holocaust survivors built their new homes from the sand.
Just look at this statement without prejudice: American soldiers are hated in the Muslim world because of the U.S.-Israeli alliance. It is preposterous.
The Muslim world hated non-Muslims (“infidels”) for centuries, from long before Israel existed and the United States was allied with it. And today, they surely hate those who come from abroad to their country to bring them “democracy,” which they didn’t ask for. In fact, nobody likes American soldiers when they make their presence felt — neither Germans nor Italians nor Japanese, who are trying their best to push the U.S. base in Okinawa, with its rowdy inhabitants, off to Guam. And none of this has the slightest bit to do with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict or the U.S.-Israeli alliance.
There is a word that has existed for a long time: “anti-Americanism.” In fact, Israel is one of the very few countries in the world that’s a real friend to the United States.
Certainly, Israel is not perfect. Certainly, Israel makes mistakes. I, for one, don’t support the settler movement either. But Israel is not a vassal of the United States. It must be allowed to make its own decisions.
The world should understand that the conflict between Israel and Palestine is not a conflict between two political entities. It’s a conflict between two worlds — one that is stuck in the Middle Ages and one that belongs to the 21st century. It’s a conflict between civilization and barbarism; between freedom and oppression; between democracy and dictatorship; between human rights and violations of human rights; between those who treat gay people with respect and those who murder them, jail them, torture them, and dismember them; between those who treat women like equals and those who treat women like camels. Our articulate president should not be confused about this.
So America is currently on the path to losing one of its best friends. But President Obama and his administration should be under no illusions: The world is not going to love American soldiers more if the U.S. breaks up with Israel.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Exclusive Interview: Donna Feldman, A True Beauty
Donna Feldman Interview: A True Beauty

Donna Feldman(Deal or No Deal, You Don't Mess with the Zohan) displays a true passion for her work and family. She shares her adventures and advice.
Model/Actress Donna Feldman has been in the business since her teens. With a great head on her shoulders and a strong supportive family, Fledman has become a successful model, ranked in Maxim and FHM magazines as one of the hottest women on the planet. Also her acting career has taken off appearing in You Don't Mess With the Zohan, and her syndicated TV show, Fashion House. In this day of instant celebrity and burn out talent vying to be on the next big reality show, Donna Feldman is a testament to hard work, high morals and being a wonderful role model to millions of women aspiring to walk the runway or star in TV and film.
How do you balance the "model/actress" life with a normal and personal life?
Having an extremely close family which helps to maintain a healthy balance. We share everything that goes on in our lives. We usually sit down every Friday night at my parents house or other family members’ house and have a delicious dinner, sit and laugh and talk. Having that closeness and openness is so important. They are the most loving, positive ,and “real” part of my life. I have many acquaintances in the business that I network with like directors, agents, photographers, stylists, graphic designers, etc.. but they are all part of my professional world. The model/actress life is almost like it’s own bubble that’s so opposite from my normal/personal life.The key to maintaining a true balance is to surround yourself with friends and family who are are supportive, loving, and will always tell you how it really is!!
In your modeling work, are you cautious of not demeaning women? Is their a line you won't cross?
Have I missed out on big opportunities because I wasn’t willing to take my clothes off, starve myself, or sleep with someone to get a role? Absolutely!! The good news though is that in the future I can show my grandchildren my magazine covers, and TV/movie projects I’ve done and feel proud of what I’ve accomplished without having to take the sleazy route! Hard work and dedication does pay off if you truly believe in yourself! Although it has cost me some jobs and opportunities, I always let disrespectful men in this business know that I ill never tolerate being treated in that manner. It’s extremely important for me to be a positive role model and example for young women/aspiring models. Hopefully they learn quickly that not only is education a priority, but you can still be sexy woman while still leaving something to the imagination.
How was the transition going from modeling, to speaking roles in Sandler's Zohan and Fashion House?
The transition was interesting because I always thought of modeling as a form of acting for me since in my “real life” I’m a bit shy. For example if I had to go to the beach tomorrow you would not find me frolicking around in a bikini like it’s just another day. Working, I get to pretend like I’m the confident, sexy, and outgoing person I wish I could be in my real life.. You always get to play a different role each time the photographer, stylist, makeup artist sets up different looks and scenarios. The most challenging transition though was going from doing smart parts to booking a TV show (Fashion house) where I had to film 65 episodes in 13 weeks! That’s 3 years worth of television shot in 3 months.
In your VISA Black Card commercial, you zip down to a bikini and jump out of a flying helicopter. Did you do all those stunts?
I never thought the day would come but yes.. I jumped out of a moving helicopter at least 15-20 feet into the freezing cold ocean and in a bikini of all things! It was a total rush! I would love to do more projects like this that involve action and getting to play a strong powerful “badass” type of woman!
What advice to other women in the business, would you like to share?
I would like them to know that it’s not going to be easy. Just being a pretty face is not going to cut it. Being business minded is the most useful tool. Learning how to network with industry people, not taking things to personally when you don’t book a job or when an agent doesn’t like you. There is a market out there for all different body types and ethnicities. Learn what your market is and focus on it rather than trying to become someone you will never be. You must focus on your own path!. So many models/actors spend too much energy and time on what others have accomplished rather than carving their own path at their own time…
Sunday, April 18, 2010 reviews Glass Toy and Boy Butter
Aurora Borealis, the icy sky at night...Yep, I just can't stop singing these lyrics even long after I removed this delicious toy from my ass. Something tells me Marlon Brando, Pocahontas, and even Mr. Young would have wanted to add this icy delight to their conversation around the fire.
The Crystal Delights glass anal plug by Virtually Adult is a toy that immediately made me squeal with girly excitement when I unwrapped it. I had no idea what a bundle of joy I was about to be presented with since the packaging of the toy resembles a protective case for eye glasses and not that of a high-end erotic toy. I unzipped the carabiner-attached case and was surprised to find a gorgeous glass butt plug with a swirling whirlwind of northern lights on the inside.
The end of the plug's handle is inset with a colorful crystal jewel that matches the gleam of the colors inside the glass. The girth of the plug is moderately shaped, enough to notice but not too much to feel too full. It has a long and slender stem, more so than any of my other anal glass or steel plugs, but not too delicate as to insight worry about a possible break. The toy comes nestled in protective foam and secured by an elastic strap. On the other side of the case is a zippered pouch that contains a few flavored condoms (not my favorite, but props for the cute gesture of making them chocolate) and a sample packet of Boy Butter, which is an oil based lube that is fantastic for use with this toy. It's consistency is literally that of room temperature creamed butter, and the combination of it with the glass material of the toy smoothly slides in my rectum just like butter passing over my lips. Just like the ol' saying goes, "It's better with butter!"
This type of foreplay is exactly what I want from anal sex whether I play solo or with a partner. I want to feel sexy and truly enjoy initial anal entry as much as prolonged internal use. I also don't want to take it (or give it for that matter) without my ass ready and begging for this sensation. Foreplay is incredibly important to me in general for amping my attraction and desire. With anal play I find this slow sexy initial tease to be essential for my optimal enjoyment.
In the past, I have put steel versions of toys such as this in my ass and ridden as a passenger on a motorcycle. Not only did that make me feel powerfully sexy, the vibration from the bike simulated feelings of being fucked in the ass. That physical sensation mixed with the anticipation of more in-depth penetration from my partner's member when we reached our destination drove me wild and fully quenched my desires for creative, adventurous and romantic sexuality. This toy would easily work for the same purpose and I fully recommend trying it out. Yes, glass is safe to use. No, not all glass products are made the same, so it is important to make sure that you make smart choices when choosing. See this article for more details on glass sex toy safety.
This type of foreplay is exactly what I want from anal sex whether I play solo or with a partner. I want to feel sexy and truly enjoy initial anal entry as much as prolonged internal use. I also don't want to take it (or give it for that matter) without my ass ready and begging for this sensation. Foreplay is incredibly important to me in general for amping my attraction and desire. With anal play I find this slow sexy initial tease to be essential for my optimal enjoyment.
In the past, I have put steel versions of toys such as this in my ass and ridden as a passenger on a motorcycle. Not only did that make me feel powerfully sexy, the vibration from the bike simulated feelings of being fucked in the ass. That physical sensation mixed with the anticipation of more in-depth penetration from my partner's member when we reached our destination drove me wild and fully quenched my desires for creative, adventurous and romantic sexuality. This toy would easily work for the same purpose and I fully recommend trying it out. Yes, glass is safe to use. No, not all glass products are made the same, so it is important to make sure that you make smart choices when choosing. See this article for more details on glass sex toy safety.
Nadia Boots
Nadia Boots
Nadia Boots is a San Francisco native who grew up surrounded by new-age hippy values and obsessive computer geeks. She survived by first getting lost in nature and books and then finding herself in the study and practice of human sexuality. Ms. Boots indulges this interest both academically and physically; she likes it both ways.Tuesday, April 13, 2010
MTV's Holocaust ad: It could happen to you
Several MTV ads run in 2008 commemorating Holocaust day were resurrected by Facebook users on Holocaust Remembrance Day this year, stirring a buzz with their graphic images of modern everyday people suddenly finding themselves under Holocaust-like circumstances.
The two 30 second ads were created by the Gedenk Movement, whose mission as stated on their website is to "raise youth awareness about anti-Semitism, racism, and their brutal consequences." The word "gedenk" means "remember" in Yiddish.
The first video shows people crowded into a subway car that suddenly rattles and turns dark as uniformed and armed men storm the car, herding people violently out of it. The scene then transforms into a picture from the time of the Holocaust depicting a similar scene. It ends with the words "The Holocaust happened to people like us."
The second video is similar to the first, showing a family in a modern day apartment when suddenly armed men knock on the door and push the family into the back of a crowded truck. The image again transforms into a real picture taken during the Holocaust with the same message.
The videos have generated hundreds of comments on YouTube, many of them reiterating the often quoted sentiment of "never again."
Monday, April 12, 2010
Don't go in the back door without it.
Boy Butter Extreme Desensitizing Lubricant, one of the top desensitizing lubricants on the market today. Smooth, creamy and long-lasting with 7.5% Benzocaine (a topical anesthetic) it eases the pain of sexual penetration or lessen effects of pre-mature ejaculation. Perfect for both men and women, Boy Butter Extreme (oil based) or Boy Butter Extreme H20 Desensitizing Lubricant (water-based) perfectly latex and vaginally safe formulas can be found by clicking here.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Gay Travel to Israel with Michael Lucas plus free Boy Butter!
Travel to Israel for 12 Days with Michael Lucas! Trip Packages and Prices Start as Low as $2,755 ACT NOW. Only a Few Spaces left

Prebook Your Trip Now!
Prebook Your Trip Now!
IDF soldiers new attraction for gay tourists
American porn producer Michael Lucas markets organized trip to Israel that includes unusual experience – visit to military base to meet with 'hot soldiers'
In recent years, a numerous and varied attempts have been made to market Israel as a country friendly to gay tourists. Two New York companies, Steele Travel and Lucas Entertainment, offer travel packages to Israel for the gay community.
Lucas Entertainment, a porn production company, recently played a winning card in the battle over tourists' wallets. In addition to sites popular to gay tourists to Israel, the company offers an attraction that many a gay tourist would not want to miss – a visit to an IDF base and a memento picture with a sexy soldier taken by a professional photographer.
While the IDF suffers from a particularly negative image in world media, Israeli soldiers themselves, it turns out, are a different story. At least, this is what Michael Lucas, a porn actor and producer and owner of Lucas Entertainment, believes.
"The Israeli photographer I work with knows a lot of hot soldiers. He has already photographed some of them. So we are going to get some of them together, and whoever in the group is interested can take a picture with them," assured Lucas on Thursday.
Lucas, who was born in Russia to a Jewish family and immigrated as a child to the US, often proclaims his love for Israel in interviews. Last year, he even arrived in Israel to shoot a porn film entitled "Men of Israel."
nine-day tour of Israel that will leave on May 26. For $2,800 (not including airfare), gay tourists can visit the sites in Israel as well as meet with soldiers. Thus far, 18 people have signed up for the trip.
"I donate to the Friends of the IDF in the US, and its more than acceptable for donors to tour bases when they come to Israel," explained Lucas. "I submitted a request, and we are working on organizing the visit. I want to bring the tourists to a military base so that they see Israelis are a peace-seeking people who aren't looking for war, but are just trying to protect themselves."
American Friends of the IDF reported in response that not all donors are received on IDF bases.
Despite the Zionist message, Lucas makes certain to present the Israeli soldiers as a fantasy. On the website promoting the trip, muscular men are depicted wearing military pants. In another picture, Lucas is seen hugging a man as both of them are wearing IDF uniforms.
Lucas claimed that he is not organizing these trips merely for personal profit: "I don't see any problem with a group of gay tourists visiting an IDF base. I am doing what the State has not been smart enough to do – marketing the beautiful side of Israel to the world."
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